The Power of Story: Fiction

Welcome to your story

The Power of Story: Fiction is a writing course that helps you tell your story and bring it out to the market. From idea to author platform and marketing, this course offers you everything you need to make your book a success.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to The Power of Story: Fiction

    2. How to Use This Course

    1. The principles of storytelling

    2. Slides for Module 1

    3. Activity for Module 1

    1. The Writing Lifestyle

    2. Slides for Module 2

    1. Why Reading Unlocks Good Writing

    1. Creating Your Story: Outlining and Storyboards

    2. Slides for Module 3

    3. Activity for Module 3

    4. Storyboard Worksheet

    5. Outlining Handout

About this course

  • 12 x $179.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

Hello from Cameron

A special hello from Cameron


Writing Instructor Cameron Cowan

Creative Director, The Cameron Journal | Cameron Lee Cowan is the author of several books, political commentator, and observer of culture. He has a history in music, fashion, and theater.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.


  • What is included?

    You get the entire course (self-paced), access to our community discord, our bi-weekly writing group, and 2 1v1 coaching sessions with Cameron.

  • Who is Cameron Lee Cowan, MFA?

    Cameron is a long-time writing and publishing professional who has been in the industry since 2005. He has published thousands of articles, three books, and has an Master of Fine Arts degree from Goddard College. You can learn more about him at

  • How Long is the Course?

    You get access to the course for One (1) Year from date of purchase. How fast you move through the modules and coaching is up to you.

Inside, you get:

More than a course...

Bi-Weekly writing group with me and your fellow students

Discord community

2 1v1 coaching sessions (at your discretion

Get Started on Your Writing Journey

Join The Power of Story: A Writing Course